

hitchinsurvival.hhq.org.uk   or


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Temporary accommodation









The Samaritans - confidential problem line: 08457 909090 www.samaritans.org.uk

HertsHelp – local free advice, information and support.              Tel: 03001234044 (local rate) M-F 9.00 – 5.00, Thurs 5.00-7.00 www.hertsdirect.org/hertshelp

NHS Medical Advice in Herts – Dial 111. Free to call from landlines and mobiles 24 hours 7 days a week


FRANK free confidential advice and help 24hrs a day; Tel: 0800 776600; email frank@talktofrank.com

Re-Solv (Volatile Substance Misuse) – Information, referral; Tel: 01785 810762

Narcotics Anonymous – support group for drug users

Helpline : 0300 999 1212

PADA (Parents against drug abuse) – National 24hr helpline: 08457 023867


Drinkline – confidential help and advice;

Free helpline: 0800 7 314 314

Alcoholics Anonymous – a support group for drinkers;

Tel: 0845 7697555; help@alcoholics-anonymous.co.uk

Alateen – a group for teenagers seeking help and support because of a family member’s drinking. Part of Al-Anon, 24 hr helpline; Tel: 020 7403 0888


Quitline – Smoking Helpline:  0207 539 1700

Overeaters Anonymous: Tel: 08702 259728; www.oagb.org.uk


Herts Young Homeless- For 16-24 year olds who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. Tel: 0844 833 0933 or 01462 435668

Shelterhousing advice, free from all landlines and all main mobile networks 08088 004 444 M - F 8.00-8.00; Sat/Sun 8.00-5.00


The Herts Women’s Centre – support, counselling and a range of services and activities for women. Tel: 01438 742742. www.hertswomenscentre.org.uk


Childline – Freephone: 0800 1111


Message Home –Helpline for people who have left home or run away. Freefone or text: 116000

email 116000@missing people.org.uk


Saneline – advice on mental health issues. Tel: 0845 767 8000

6-11pm any day of the year.

Emergency mental health problem:  0300 777 0707

Out of hours mental health helpline: 01438 843322


Depression Alliance - self-help group, monthly meetings in Hitchin

Tel: 07530 676324




Job Centre Letchworth:

2, Station Road,

Tel: 01462 662500

M, T, Th, F 9.00 – 5.00; Wed 10.00 – 5.00


Job Centre Stevenage:

38-44 The Forum, Stevenage SG1 1EZ

Tel: 0845 6043719

M, T, Th, F 9.00-5.00; Wed 10.00-5.00


YMCA Welwyn garden City

22, Church Road, WGC AL8 6PW

YMCA Space: drop in for all – M, W ,Th 9.30-2.00

Listening space: Tues 9.30-12.30: a quiet safe environment with trained listeners

Finding Space:  Friday 10.30-12.30 for parents, carers and their children, a space to chill, pay and chat.

Emergency housing advice/Pear Tree Hostel – Tel: 01707 351400


The Living Room

 8-10 The Glebe, Chells Way, Stevenage SG2 0DJ

Charity which runs a treatment centre for addictions of all kinds. Call for appointment 01438 355649 Monday to Friday  9.00-5.00


Stevenage Wellbeing Centre

13, Town Square, Stevenage, SG1 1BP; Tel: 01438 369216

Run by Mind in Mid Herts, the centre aims to promote physical and mental wellbeing. It has a full programme of activities including art club, creative writing club, drop-in, gym, library, counselling and meditation. Courses on wellbeing throughout the year.


Citizens Advice Bureaux

Hitchin – Tues and Thurs 9.30-12.00 at Thomas Bellamy House (opposite Christchurch)

CAB drop-in at the North HertsMinority Ethnic Forum, Whinbush Road, Thursdays 9.30-12.00 Tel: 01462 440224. NHMEF also offers a range of services, courses, training and information.

Stevenage - Swingate House, Danestrete, SG1 1AF

Specialist advice on debt, employment, benefits and housing.

Drop in sessions:   Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30-12.30; Tues 1.00-3.30. Adviceline: 08444 111444


CRI Community Drug and Alcohol Team:

At Christchurch, Hitchin, Silver Birch side entrance at far end, 10.30-4.30 Fridays.  

Tel: 0800 6523169


North Herts Sanctuary/St Mungo’s

25, Nightingale Road, Hitchin Road, Hitchin SG5 1QU

Tel: 01462 435835



For men and women over 18.

Self referral Monday –Friday 9.00 - 4.00

Cost: £13.75 per week service charge.

Residents are offered breakfast, evening meal and a sandwich lunch and a drop-in day support service – see below.



‘Open Church’ at Christchurch on Bedford Road, a relaxing space includes free tea and coffee:

M, T, Th, F 10.00-3.00.

Opening hours may be extended over Christmas period.

St Mary’s Church House in Churchyard opposite the church offers tea and sandwiches on Thursdays 4.30-6.30 (Winter months only).

‘Bancroft Project’: offers hot meal on Sundays 1.00 - 3.00 located at Christchurch.

North Herts Sanctuary Day Support Service address above. 1.30-3.30 Mon-Fri. Offering support for a range of issues.


YMCA Space, Stevenage

1, Town Square, Stevenage (next to bus station in town centre).

Friendly drop-in. All welcome from 10.00 am. Home-made lunch for 20p on W, Th, Fri and Sat at 12.30.

Email: carol.alderton@ymcacentralherts.org.uk for further details including youth space, young parents and knit and natter.


Stevenage Haven

5, Ditchmore Lane, Stevenage, SG1 3LJ

Tel: 01438 354884



Shelter and support for single people over 18.


Noah Enterprise

141 Park St, Luton, LU1 3HG; Tel: 01582 728416.

Day centre open 365 days a year. 8.15 -3.45 weekdays (2.00 Tuesdays); 10.00 -3.00 weekends. Open to anyone experiencing homelessness, extreme hardship or exclusion. Also soup kitchen every evening 7-8.30.
















Paynes Park


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Stevenage Central


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2 - 7


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Stevenage Old Town


2 - 6


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hitchinsurvival.hhq.org.uk or

